Export to Scandinavia is easier than Eastern markets, and most have good English skills. Let your business take advantage of the long export tradition in the market and grow within Scandinavia.
Nevertheless, the same meticulous work has to be executed before starting your business.
You must:
- Find the right partner. This is entirely your decision. Picking the first team promising everything you want to hear may be an expensive choice. Signing a bad deal may result in complete chaos and a lock out from a market for many years. You own the product and you should decide for the future.
- Negotiate the right form of cooperation. How does the market work? How do the different shapes of distribution look like?
- Prepare all commercial processes necessary. Financial matters, documentation and support.
- Translate all information regarding your product, pick the adequate person for liaison and prepare all logistic matters.
- Set the right price for your products to be competitive on the local market and verify eventual trade obstacles such as local safety regulations.
This list may be even longer and more complicated. But with our help, a good structure and professional preparation, this project can result in boosted revenue and a great possibility for developing your company.